Turmadèn des Capità has the certification by the Fundación Ecoagroturismo, under the Ceres Ecotur quality system that uses an innovative European evaluation system, ECEAT. This seal endorses responsible experiences with the environment and uses sustainability criteria to assess the level of commitment to the environment, culture and local traditions of tourist destinations.
The old cisterns that were used for the collection and storage of rainwater have been refurbished, with the aim of using this scarce resource responsibly on an island without mountains or major fresh waterways. We have also built a purification system called green filter that allows for reusing water.
Commitment to the environment is very important to us. We have adopted renewable energies by installing solar thermal power plates and a gasification biomass boiler, which we use for heating and hot running water. The biomass is extracted from the farm itself under the criteria of a forest plan approved by the Government of the Balearic Islands. On the other hand, we have prioritised achieving a good thermal efficiency of the house both in winter and in summer.
Land Stewardship
Turmadèn des Capità participates in a land stewardship project together with administrations and local entities, with the purpose of making our economic viability compatible with the preservation of the natural values. The final objective is to look for the resonance of the social, environmental and economic sustainability of agrarian activities. This project translates into a valuable social recognition and helps to promote eco-friendly products.